The Impact of Potassium Manganate (VII) on the Effectiveness of Coagulation in the Removal of Iron and Manganese from Groundwater with an Increased Content of Organic Substances
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University of Zielona Gora, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Institute of Environmental Engineering, Szafrana st 15, 65-246 Zielona Góra, Poland
Online publication date: 2018-03-01
Publication date: 2017-12-20
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2017;27(4):29-41
The article presents the results of studies concerning the impact of the method of Fe(II) ion oxidisation (dissolved oxygen and potassium manganate (VII)) on the effectiveness of coagulation in the removal of iron and manganese from groundwater with an increased content of organic substances. The efficiencies of two coagulants were compared: aluminium sulphate (VI) and polyaluminium chloride (Flokor 1.2A). Among the used methods of iron (II) oxidisation, the best effects have been achieved by potassium manganate (VII) because one of the oxidation products was manganese oxide (IV) precipitating from water. Better results in purifying the water were obtained with the use of a prehydrolysed coagulant Flokor 1.2 A than aluminium sulphate (VI).
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