The Risk Assessment for a Single Building on the Landslide Areas and Floodplains
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Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture, Rzeszow University of Technology
Online publication date: 2019-01-03
Publication date: 2018-12-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2018;28(4):36-48
Mass movements and floods are natural hazards posing a threat to the environment and bring significant economic losses. The flooding and landslide are risks in the municipalities of south-eastern Poland. Long-lasting rains cause initialize process of landslides on the slopes above the river valley, as well as flooding of local infrastructures (buildings, roads, railway tracks) located near water courses. Monitoring of geotechnical and hydrological parameters of the area is the base for the prognosis, as well as the risk assessment associated with them. So, in the paper highlights the issue of the consistency of monitoring and warning systems for these two threats. For landslides work SOPO - System Guards Against Landslides. Hydrogeological bases are defined for floodplains as The Computer System of the National Guard - ISOK. However, notable is the lack of integrity of both systems. In this paper a proposal to determine the overall risk for both threats in case of a single building is presented.
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