Diagnostics and Repairs of Damage of the Leaning Tower in Zabkowice Slaskie
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Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Online publication date: 2021-10-01
Publication date: 2021-09-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2021;31(3):197-210
The article concerns the diagnosis of the technical condition, as well as the possibilities of renovating, the Leaning Tower located in Zabkowice Slaskie in Lower Silesia, Poland. Damage to the structure of the facility, which occurred in 2015, constituted the basis for carrying out tests and measurements in order to enable the causes of the damage to be determined. The resulting damage is cracks in brick walls. Cracks were formed in the place where the proper structure of the Tower was connected with the staircase constituting the extension of the building. Therefore, it was necessary to carry out diagnostic work. The conducted diagnostic works resulted in the obtaining of knowledge about the technical condition of the facility, and the possibilities of the necessary repair works, which will ensure the further safe operation of the facility. It was considered necessary to stabilize the ground under the staircase by making micropiles. Cracks in the walls were stabilized by making steel ties, rebuilt and reinforced with steel bars. The Leaning Tower, as a historic and unique building in Europe, requires special technical supervision, which will guarantee that it remains in its prime for many years to come and continue to be one of the key tourist attractions of Zabkowice Slaskie.
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