The work concerns issues related to the diagnostics of moisture in historic buildings. Moisture content is one of the basic physical properties of materials. Excessive and undesirable growth of moisture in masonry causes considerable damage to masonry wall assemblies. It reduces the load-bearing capacity of structural elements, causes difficulties with heating and contributes to the development of mould and fungi. The article describes diagnostic procedures, provides available drying methods for walls in buildings and the applied method of renovation based on the example of damage caused by moisture in an examined historic facility.
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Ksit, B and Szymczak-Graczyk, A 2019. Rare weather phenomena and the work of large-format roof coverings. Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 30(3), 123-133.
Laks, I, Walczak, Z, Szymczak-Graczyk, A, Ksit, B and Mądrawski, J 2019. Hydraulic and legal conditions for buildings in floodplains-case study of Kalisz city (Poland). IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 471, 102050.
Magott, C 2019. Osuszanie budynków. Sposoby osuszania zawilgoconych przegród budowlanych [Drying of buildings. Methods of drying damp building partitionsu]. Polskie Stowarzyszenie Mykologów Budownictwa.
Monczynski, B, Ksit, B and Szymczak-Graczyk, A 2019. Assessment of the effectiveness of secondary horizontal insulation against rising damp performed by chemical injection. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 471, 052063.
Monczyński, B 2019. Nie tylko hydroizolacja - metody usuwania nadmiaru wilgoci z przegród budowlanych [Not only waterproofing - methods of removing excess moisture from building partitions]. Izolacje 11/12, 108-110, 112-114.
Nazarewicz, B and Czeczin, W 2018. Research on the causes of damage to the underground tunnel connecting the buildings of the Lviv Polytechnic [Badanie przyczyn uszkodzeń podziemnego tunelu łączącego budynki Politechniki Lwowskiej. Przeglą d budowlany 7-8, 66-69.
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Pach, M 2020. Analiza metod osuszania murów występujące na rynku PL [Analysis of the methods of masonry drying on the Polish market]. Master Thesis. Poznan University of Technology.
PN-EN 16682:2017-05 Konserwacja dziedzictwa kulturowego. Metody pomiaru zawartości wilgoci lub wody w materiałach nieruchomego dziedzictwa kulturowego [Conservation of cultural heritage. Methods for measuring moisture or water content in immovable cultural heritage materials]. Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny. Warsaw.
Szymczak-Graczyk, A 2019. Rectangular plates of a trapezoidal crosssection subjected to thermal load. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 603, 032095.
Trochonowicz, M 2010. Wilgoć w obiektach budowlanych. Problematyka badań wilgotnościowych [Moisture in buildings. Problems of moisture content tests]. Budownictwo i Architektura 7(2), 131-144.
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