Impeller Radial Velocity and Air Flow Rate Influence on Copper Rougher Flotation Recovery
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KGHM Robinson Mine, 4232 West White Pine County Rd. 44, Ruth, NV 89319 USA
KGHM Robinson Mine, Ruth, Nevada, USA
KGHM Cuprum Ltd Research&Development Center, Wrocław, Poland
Online publication date: 2018-07-10
Publication date: 2018-03-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2018;28(1):40-53
A rougher flotation study has been done to analyze the effects of copper feed mineralogy, air flow rate and impeller radial velocity on metallurgical performance. During the performance testing the trials were exposed to metallurgical examining and computerised mineral analysis to establish a size-by-size mineralogy. The mineralogical and metallurgical information was compared to the material balance for rougher flotation results. These samples showed that copper recovery optimization should focus on the losses of liberated Cu-minerals and how they are associated with fine particles. The result of variable impeller radial velocity for each flotation cell cascade on metallurgical performance has been explored on a known-sized and an unknown-sized base, to gauge the input from the fine particles. An industrial application is discussed in this paper, and it validates that divergence of the impeller radial velocity and air flow has positive influence on the recovery.
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