Adsorption of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) from Aqueous Solutions on Different Sorbents
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Częstochowa University of Technology, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Poland
Częstochowa University of Technology, Department of Chemistry, Poland
Online publication date: 2014-12-10
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2014;13(2):87-96
This paper presents the results of the possibility and effectiveness of PAHs removal from a model aqueous solution, during the sorption on the selected sorbents. Six PAHs (naphthalene, acenaphthylene, acenaphthene, fluorene, phenanthrene, anthracene) listed by EPA for the analysis in the environmental samples were determined. Model aqueous solution was prepared with RESTEK 610 mix PAHs standard. After the sorption process, decrease in the concentration of individual hydrocarbons was observed. The removal percentage was dependent on the type of sorbent (quartz sand, mineral sorbent, activated carbon). The highest efficiency (98.1%) was observed for activated carbon.. The results shows that the sorption processes can be used in aqueous solutions treatment procedures.
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