Adaptation Of Forgotten Buildings The Example Of The Ruins Of The Kościelec Protestant Church In Piaski
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Lublin University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Lublin, Poland
Online publication date: 2015-12-30
Publication date: 2015-12-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2015;19(4):13-20
Small towns in the Lublin Province are abundant with buildings possessed of outstanding historical and architectural values, representing the culture of past generations. Piaski, about 30 km east of Lublin, also boasts some of the remarkable characteristic of small towns. Not only does it feature post-Jewish tenements, but also a palace and complexes of religious buildings situated on its outskirts. This article focuses on the Kościelec - an unused, dilapidated former Protestant church. Now, works are being carried out that have inspired the Piaski town authorities to try to find a best-use scenario for the former church, in order to preserve its architectural values for future generations. The authors of this article aim to prove the necessity of research and analysis in finding the best new functions for properties whose function has already been imposed. The example of successfully completed revitalisation works at the palace and park complex in Gardzienice, located not far from the baroque Protestant church in Piaski, illustrates the advantages of some of the adaptation processes that can be employed in such buildings.
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