Resistance to Seawater of a New Cement Mortar Based on Additions of Recycled Product
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Department of Civil Engineering and Hydraulic, University May 8, Guelma, Algeria
Faculty of technology, University August 20, Skikda, Algeria
Online publication date: 2021-12-30
Publication date: 2021-12-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2021;31(4):249-271
This paper aims to explore some sustainability indicators including mainly the resistance to seawater of mortars containing 5% kaolin filler in the sand and different types of ecoproducts as cement additions. To this end, an experimental study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the effects of three types of cement additions (glass powder (GP), metakaolin (MK) and brick waste (BW)) with contents of 5, 15 and 25% as well as binary and ternary combinations of these same additions. The results obtained made it possible to show the effectiveness of filler and cement additions (glass powder (GP) or / and metakaolin (MK) compared to brick waste (BW)) in improving the durability of mortars against aggressive agents such as seawater. In the end, the cement mortars made from 25% MK, 25% GP and this compound of 5% GP and 25% MK showed good resistance to attack by seawater.
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