Renovation and Reconstruction of a Neoclassical Building on the Example of a Public City Library in Nowa Sól
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University of Zielona Gora, Faculty of Building, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Z. Szafrana st 1, 65-516 Zielona Góra, tel. +48683287803, Poland
Online publication date: 2016-10-21
Publication date: 2016-09-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2016;22(3):81-92
The building of the Nowa Sól public library is located on Bankowa Street, in the Lubuskie Voivodeship. The new seat of the library has been here since 2011; it had previously been located in the building on Parafialna and Szkolna Streets, which did not comply with the requirements of a comfortable library and reading room. Renovations and reconstructions of this neoclassical building began in 2007 and took four years to finish. Over the years, the century- old building had changed, its function - from a residential villa, to a children’s hospital, and finally, a clinic for children. During construction works, rib and slab (Ackerman) floors were changed to concrete slabs with higher load-bearing strength and roof truss system replaced to accordingly to the original design. A new lift was built, and the library reading rooms and archives were expanded. The building also gained a new facade as well as new wooden windows and doors. The entire building is surrounded by a park.
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Projekt budowlano - wykonawczy Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Nowej Soli, ul. Bankowa 3, 67-100 Nowa Sól. Biuro projektowe P.U.P.I. Plan Sp. z o.o., ul. Browarna 1, 65-823 Zielona Góra.
Studium wykonalności dla projektu: Przebudowa budynków przy ul. Bankowej wraz z zagospodarowaniem terenów przyległych na potrzeby Miejskiej Biblioteki Publicznej w Nowej Soli wykonane przez Zachodnie Centrum Konstultingowe „Euro Invest” Sp. z o.o. w Gorzowie Wlkp.
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