Designing of Steel CHS Columns Showing Maximum Compression Resistance
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Institute of Civil Engineering, University of Zielona Góra
Online publication date: 2021-03-30
Publication date: 2021-03-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2021;31(1):79-92
The paper deals with a shape optimisation procedure of steel, compressed bars. Circular hollow sections (CHS) of variable cross sections and variable wall thickness are taken into account. The proposed procedure for designing of steel rods exhibiting maximum compression resistance is effective and possible to use in engineering practice. The advantage of the proposed shape of the bar is that it allows to increase the value of its load carrying capacity, i.e. it ensures the transfer of a higher value of compressive force than similar, solid struts of the same mass and length. The extent of the increase in the load capacity relative to the load capacity of the reference solid, cylindrical bar depends on the slenderness of the reference bar and ranges from 60% to 170%. Due to this very beneficial fact, it can be used wherever it is required to maintain a certain stiffness and an increased value of compressive force is desired, as well as in constructions where it is necessary to reduce weight while maintaining the adopted mechanical parameters, e.g. values of load bearing capacity. Final results achieved in the research were presented in the form of the flow chart allowing to design the compressed columns of optimum shape.
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