Construction Solutions For Historical Object Foundations In The Context Of Changing Their Functional Use
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Gdańsk University of Technology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Gdańsk, Poland
Online publication date: 2015-12-30
Publication date: 2015-12-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2015;19(4):31-40
Properly executed renovation and adaptation of a grade listed property not only ensures its constructional safety, but may also highlight the object’s historical value. Taking into consideration various factors, such as divergence of interests, or technical and legal determinants, it is safe to say that the renovation and adaptation of grade listed properties for new purposes is a complex process. The authors of the paper wish to discuss the problem of renovation based on selected properties, with special regard to constructional solutions for foundations. The presented examples will illustrate the issue of foundation enhancements resulting from the adaptation of buildings for new purposes. Through individual constructional solutions, such as jet grouting, it was possible to ensure the stability of degraded properties and safe transfer of increased values of usage load.
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PN-EN 1997-1:2008-Eurokod 7- Projektowanie geotechnicze; część 1: Zasady ogólne.
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