Innovation in the Lubusz region. Implementation of an innovation management system
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Departament Administracyjno-Gospodarczy, Urząd Marszałkowski, Poland
Submission date: 2023-08-04
Final revision date: 2023-08-14
Acceptance date: 2023-08-17
Online publication date: 2023-08-24
Publication date: 2023-08-24
Corresponding author
Joanna Malon   

Departament Administracyjno-Gospodarczy, Urząd Marszałkowski, Zielona Góra, Poland
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2023;33(2):1-12
The article reveals the potential of innovation management in regions on the example of the Lubusz Voivodeship. The aim of the article is to analyse the latest activities and initiatives supporting innovation in the Lubusz Voivodeship. To this end, it was important to identify the nature of the implementation process of innovative solutions, which may be recognised as political, i.e.: characterised by top-down initiatives and bottom-up implementation. The method of document analysis was used in the study, including primary and secondary sources. As a result, conclusions and recommendations for regional policy to support innovation were drawn. They indicate the need to use the scientific potential of the University of Zielona Góra and other scientific and research institutions. They also reveal the need to strengthen the cooperation of the local self - government with the University for the development of innovation and creation of partnership networks in the region.
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