Impact of Development of Infrastructure for Charging Electric Vehicles on Power Demand in the National Power System
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Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland
Online publication date: 2019-04-15
Publication date: 2019-03-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2019;29(1):66-91
The following paper focuses on the electric vehicles sector development and its possible influence on power system load in Poland. The goal is to estimate the increase of power demand resulting from the electric cars charging. First of all, the current legal environment, which provides a framework for the e-mobility sector evolution, was described. Furthermore, the technical process of electric vehicles charging was depicted and the applicable methods of cooperation between e-mobility and power system were proposed. The quantitative analysis of the impact of the electric vehicles charging on the power demand in the National Power System was conducted. The input data and adopted assumption were specified. The structure of the calculation model and the differences between analyzed scenarios were described. The outcome obtained for the National Power System and Warsaw distribution area were presented.
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