Evaluation of Biodegradability of Waste Before and After Aerobic Treatment
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University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Poland
Online publication date: 2014-12-10
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2014;13(2):121-132
An important advantage of use of an aerobic biostabilization of waste prior to its disposal is that it intensifies the decomposition of the organic fraction of waste into the form which is easily assimilable for methanogenic microorganisms involved in anaerobic decomposition of waste in the landfill. In this article it is presented the influence of aerobic pre-treatment of waste as well as leachate recirculation on susceptibility to biodegradation of waste in anaerobic laboratory reactors. The research has shown that in the reactor with aerobically treated waste stabilized with recilculation conversion of the organic carbon into the methane is about 45% higher than in the reactor with untreated waste stabilized without recirculation.
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