The article presents methods to determine the peat elasticity modulus based on settlement measurement of the preloaded embankment. The author proposes two methods: the first does not take into consideration the strengthening of the soil as a result of the settlement and the second includes the strengthening process of soil related to the settlement. Based on the presented methods, computer simulations were performed in the first case for the assumed embankment in order to verify the methods and in the second case for the real conditions in the area of Szczecin, Poland.
Coufal R., Olszewska M.: Analiza parametrów konsolidowanego podłoża nasypem z gruntu rodzimego na Ostrowie Grabowskim w Szczecinie, Inżynieria i Budownictwo, 5/2017, Warsaw, 2017, 260-262.
Meyer Z.: Czy możemy posadowić obiekty bezpośrednio na torfach?, XXI Seminarium Naukowe z cyklu Regionalne Problemy Inżynierii Środowiska, Szczecin, 2014, 131-143.
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