Dependence of Underground Infrastructure and Land Management in Urbanized Areas
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Poznań University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Transport Engineering
Poznań University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Online publication date: 2021-10-01
Publication date: 2021-09-01
Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports 2021;31(3):85-98
The article presents a current view on the issue of supplying utilities to land regarded differently than merely technical solutions. The authors offer an insight to the issue of the technical supplying of urbanized areas, treating such infrastructure as a determinant of the coexistence of buildings and transfigurations of the urban fabric. Using selected examples of novel means of identifying existing solutions of the underground technical infrastructure (canals, sewage and stormwater networks, transportation and communication tunnels, building in additional contemporary of installations of logical networks or unidentified remains of past development), the need to carry out additional analyses and prepare a new, or update-change the existing local spatial development plan were identified. It was noted that The construction of underground infrastructure corridors ought to be the key, preceding the issuing of building permits, the commencement of activities by developers as well as administrative conditions. The underground infrastructure has an influence of the dynamics as well as quality of spatial transformations of urbanized areas.
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